Intellectual & Developmental Disability – Emergency Medical Information
Individuals with autism and many other intellectual & developmental disabilities may elope, or wander away, from their family, caregiver, or staff. While this is not a trait of all people with disabilities, it is common amongst many individuals. Individuals with autism and other intellectual & developmental disabilities present in many different ways. It is incorrect to think that all do not speak, cannot understand, or have severe behavior issues.
If you have a loved one with intellectual & developmental disabilities, please download the following form. You can fill it out with as much or as little information as you want. We will input this information into our computers, only accessible by our staff. This information will be used by law enforcement and other first responders in an emergency event.
Click Here to download the Emergency Medical Form.
After you have the form completed, return it to our office by stopping in or by US mail (4835 State Route 29, Celina, OH 45822).
Communication Cards
Click Here to download the Communication Card for those individuals that are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
This card was created by the Ohio Department of Public Safety’s Traffic Safety Office (OTSO), Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), and statewide law enforcement partners to help individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing exchange information with law enforcement.
4835 State Route 29
Celina, Ohio, 45822
Fax: 419-586-2234
Fax: 419-586-9142
Fax: 419-586-1979

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